Archive for satan

Hitler And The Spear of Destiny

Posted in WWII with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 15, 2008 by Tweak Jones



Today there exist several historic spears claimed to be the “holy lance” of the biblical story

The one with perhaps the best claim, or at least the oldest provenance is in the Hofburg Museum in Vienna, Austria. This spear, said to be the lance of the Roman soldier Gaius Cassius can be traced back through history to Constantine the Great, the Roman Emperor who first adopted Christianity in the early 4th century. This spear is made of iron.  The long tapering point is supported by a wide base with metal flanges depicting the wings of a dove.  Within a central aperture in the blade, a hammer-headed nail (thought to be from the cross) has been secured by a cuff threaded with metal wire.  According to legend the spear passed from the possession of Gais Cassius, the Roman centurion.  

According to Ravencroft the lance was possessed by a series of successful military leaders including Theodosius, Alaric (who was responsible for the sacking of Rome), Charles Martel (who defeated the Moslems in 733 AD), Charlemagne and Frederick Barbarossa.

A legend grew around the lance that whoever possessed it would be able to conquer the world. Napoleon attempted to obtain the lance after the battle of Austerlitz, but it had been smuggled out of the city prior to the start of the fight and he never got a hold of it. According to the legend, Charlemagne carried the spear through 47 successful battles, but died when he accidentally dropped it. Barbarossa met the same fate only a few minutes after it slipped out of his hands while he was crossing a stream.

Napoleon attempted to take the Holy Lance following the Battle of Austerlitz, but, unfortunately for him, it had already been smuggled out of Vienna just prior to the battle, and he never secured it.

The spear finally wound up in the possession of the House of the Habsburgs and by 1912 was part of the treasure collection stored in Hofburg Museum. According to Ravenscroft it was in September of that year, while living in Vienna and working as a watercolor painter, that a young Adolf Hitler visited the Museum and learned of the lance and its reputation. Dr. Walter Stein, who accompanied Hitler on that visit, remembered, “when we first stood side by side in front of the Spear of Destiny it appeared to me that Hitler was in so deep a condition of trance that he was suffering almost complete sense-denudation and a total lack of self-consciousness.”

Hitler later said, “I stood there quietly gazing upon it for several minutes quite oblivious to the scene around me. It seemed to carry some hidden inner meaning which evaded me, a meaning which I felt I inwardly knew yet could not bring to consciousness…I felt as though I myself had held it before in some earlier century of history. That I myself had once claimed it as my talisman of power and held the destiny of the world in my hands…”

Hitler saw the lance as his mystical connection with generations of conquering Germanic leaders that had come before him. On March 14, 1938, after he had risen to power as the chancellor of Germany, Hitler annexed the state of Austria and ordered that the spear, along with the rest of the Habsburg collection, be sent to the city of Nuremberg, heart of the Nazi movement.

Ravenscroft reveals much of the absolute Satanism which physically possessed Hitler. If you want to get an idea of how the real Antichrist is going to think, act, and plan, you need to read this “inside” account of Ravenscroft. Much of Hitler’s actions during World War II make sense only when you realize how his occultist mind set caused him to act the way he did. Secular historians miss much of the point of Hitler’s more bizarre actions.

After having declared Austria to be a part of the Third Reich the Austrian born Adolf Hitler had the lance loaded on to an armored SS train and taken to Nuremberg on October 13, 1938. There it remained in St. Catherine’s Church for the next 6 years until it was removed to a safer, protective underground vault where Lt. Walter William Horn, army serial number 01326328, of the United States Army took possession of it in the name of the US government at 2:10 PM on April 30, 1945; the same day Adolph Hitler and a woman named Eva Braun were reported to have committed suicide in a bunker outside Berlin. It is also the same day that Munich was captured by Patch’s 7th Army unit. Also, on April 30th, 1945, Germany surrendered ending the Third Reich.

With the fall the Soviet Union, and the opening up of Soviet archives in addition to recent testimony by former Soviet soldiers who actually captured Hitler’s Bunker in Berlin, we have finally been able to confirm that at approximately 3:30 PM, just 80 minutes after the United States took possession of the Spear, that Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

Today the Holy Lance has been returned to the Hofburg Museum. Is it authentic? General George S. Patton thought so. He became fascinated by the spear after the war and had its history traced.

Did Hitler really think possessing the spear would help him win the war? Other historians have found Ravenscroft’s research suspicious and his book remains controversial. Alan Baker, author of Invisible Eagle, The History of Nazi Occultism, thinks Hitler was more interested in getting a hold of the Hofburg treasures for financial reasons, not occult reasons.  A later book entitled; “Adolf Hitler and the Secrets of the Holy Lance” (by Buechner & Bernhart) claims that a replica of the was returned to the Vienna Museum, while the real lance may have been squirrel-away with other secret Nazi plundered treasure by Himmler and the SS to South America or Antarctica.

The “Talmud of Immanuel” is a hoax.

Posted in Idiots with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 11, 2008 by Tweak Jones

(illuminazi who I described as a disinfo agent in an earlier blog has changed his name to siriusAhole on the infowars network but his tactics continue.He is constently refering to this document to prove that Chrisitianity is false but it is painfully clear to any sane person that it is a hoax read this blog and see for yourself.)



This book is the work of “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier who was born in Bülach, Switzerland in 1937. His rather obvious Biblical hoax has all the usual characteristics: no manuscript is available, the text only exists in modern translations, the “find story” is unlikely, and it contains anachronisms and obvious “prophecies after the event”. I find it interesting because it’s such a typical and predictable late-20th century Biblical hoax.

Meier makes extensive use of conspiracy theories to explain away the “holes in the script” — see “Hoax Characteristics”. Apparently, the conspiracy in this case consists of powerful Jewish and Christian leaders who are able to control police forces in the Middle East, as well as the Israeli army. The Mossad (Israeli intelligence) are part of it, capable of assassinating people anywhere on the Earth without leaving a trace. And so on.

Meier and his followers insist on misspelling “Immanuel” with an initial J instead of an I. The stated reason is that he was commanded to do so by space aliens. In my text, I refer to the manuscript as “TJ”.

Find story

The manuscript is said to have been found in 1963 by a “Greek catholic priest” (the terminology is uncertain, it might mean an Orthodox priest, or perhaps a Uniate, i.e. Eastern rite but Roman Catholic allegiance, I don’t know which) by the name Rashid. It was found in a hidden cave. Meier claims to have visited the cave with his friend Rashid. The two friends excavated it and found evidence supporting the genuineness of the manuscript. The manuscript consisted of four scrolls written in Aramaic. Rashid translated most of the text, which took until 1974. During the work, Rashid was persecuted by “the church” and Jews who were out to stop the publication of the manuscript. He was forced to flee from Jerusalem to Lebanon. The Palestinian refugee camp where he lived with his family was then subjected to a massive attack by Israeli military forces. The scrolls were taken by the Israelis and probably burned. Rashid found shelter in Bagdad, where he was subsequently assassinated by Israeli agents in 1977.

Some questions are pertinent to this find story:

  1. The location of the cave is not given. Why?
  2. Why are there no records of the alleged excavation, and no information about what finds were made and how (in what scientific way) they supported the genuineness of the alleged scrolls?
  3. Why are we not given any information about Rashid? What was his full name? Where was he ordained? Under which bishop did he serve as a priest? The churches keep records which should verify at least that he existed.
  4. The letter from Rashid speaks of him travelling with his family. Where are they today? They ought to be able to verify some of the information about him.
  5. At which university did Rashid learn Aramaic? Universities keep records, so we should be able to verify not only that Rashid existed but also what subjects he studied.
  6. How did Rashid get to know Eduard Meier? Why did he select Meier and no-one else as his coworker in the manuscript publishing?
  7. Since he had the scrolls for 11 years, why did he not make a single photograph or xerox copy of them?
  8. How did “the church” and the Jews find out about his manuscript find?
  9. How could the “church” or the Jews know that the scrolls contained material that would be damaging to their religions, when not an iota of the material had been published and the only two people who had seen the scrolls were Rashid and Meier?
  10. Is it consistent with what we know of church and Israeli behaviour in other cases when faced with other manuscript finds, that they try to suppress them or murder the finders?

The answer to all these questions is simple and obvious. The cave, Rashid and the scrolls never existed.


The manuscript

According to the accompanying information, the document was written by Judas Iskarioth, the only true disciple of Jesus. All the Biblical gospels are fakes, censored to fit in with church dogma. The first of these forgeries is the gospel of Matthew, which is an altered version of Meier’s scrolls. In reality, this means that Meier has simply re-written the gospel of St Matthew to fit his own ideas. He borrows freely from other hoaxes and his own special contribution is the information that the events in Jesus’ life were orchestrated by aliens from another planet.

The text has a clear anti-Christian leaning, denying most of the central Christian teachings and putting words to that effect in Jesus’ mouth. This is even more outspoken in Meier’s own commentary to the text, where he expresses abject hate for the Christian religion, accusing churches of being power-hungry, ruthless, loveless, bloodthirsty oppressors. In Meier’s opinion, the purpose of the Bible isto hide the real truth about Jesus and fool people into obedience for ecclesiastical authorities, whereas the real Jesus was the son of a human woman and a space alien. Several passages in the text are obviously intended to explain away certain Christian ideas, e.g. the story of Saulus and his conversion which is dealt with at length in this “original gospel” whereas the story actually belongs in the Acts of the Apostles, written by Luke. Other characteristics of the text are also typical for hoaxes, e.g.

  • Jesus travelled to India before his work in Palestine.
  • Jesus did not die on the cross.
  • After fleeing the grave, Jesus again travelled to India.
  • The Essenes are said to be a secret order. (Here, they seek to enroll Jesus who declines to join.)
  • Jesus preaches reincarnation.

There are plenty of anachronisms, e.g.

  • “The laws of nature”, a concept formulated in renaissance times.
  • “The horn-bearing kings” denotes the peoples of Scandinavia, later Vikings — who did not wear horns at all.
  • “Five hundred million” and other large numbers occur; ancient texts never mention such large numbers, anything beyond a hundred thousand or so is “a myriad” or “countless as the stars”.
  • The appearance of Muhammed is predicted, by name. He will appear in 500 years from now, says Jesus. This is radically different from all OT and NT prophecies which are never that precise. The prophecies about Jesus, for instance, do not say anything about the time distance from the prophecy to its fulfillment, nor do they give his name or address. Clearly, this is a prophecy after the event.
  • Other prophecies after the event are abundant, e.g. the Second World War and bomb planes.

Any further analysis of the TJ text is quite superfluous. Even a cursory glance reveals that it has all the characteristics of a hoax, and wherever a more in-depth analysis is attempted, the forgery merely becomes more obvious. However, if you want some fun, do look at the next subject too, where retired professor Jim Deardorff tries to prove that TJ is a genuine manuscript, and fails in a rather spectacular way!


Posted in Idiots with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 24, 2008 by Tweak Jones
January 18, 2005

Without my permission, David Icke has appropriated for his website my L.A. Weekly article on Mike Chertoff. As a result, my blog has been inundated with hundreds of visits from Icke’s readers (an alarming 720 so far)–including David Duke, the Louisiana racist, who e-mailed me today, and who is apparently laboring under the misapprehension that I must have some sympathy with the views he shares with Icke. I have e-mailed Icke demanding that he withdraw my article from his website. Here’s why:

Icke_ii David Icke (photo left, on the cover of one of his books) is a dangerous madman. A thorough expose of Icke and of the malign brand of New Age racialist fascism he peddles is to be found on Public Eye, the website of the very reliable Political Research Associates (it is funded by the U.S. labor movement and foundations), and which–under the tutelage of the excellent Chip Berlet–monitors extremist, racist, anti-democratic, violent, and cult-like sects and movements. Here is an excerpt from their profile of Icke:

“On the face of it, few people would credit a retired soccer player who rants about a world takeover by blood-drinking lizards from outer space as being much of a threat to democracy. And as a general rule, they would probably be right.

“David Icke, however, is an exception to that rule.

“Icke, 48, is a native of Leicester, England. For five years he played professionally for the Coventry City and Hereford United soccer teams until forced to retire by arthritis. He subsequently went on to become a sports announcer for BBC-TV. For three years from 1988 to 1991 he was national spokesperson for the British Green Party, until he began a political evolution that was to begin with his expulsion from the Greens and wind up with his current involvement with anti-Semitism, neofascism, and lizards from Mars.1

“At first this evolution seemed relatively harmless. Icke began to flirt seriously with New Age theories, and then began to act on them. He dressed in turquoise, and began to call himself the ‘son of godhead’. But by the time his book ‘The Robot’s Rebellion’ was printed in 1994, his trajectory had begun to take quite a different course. In 1996, the British magazine ‘Left Green Perspectives’ wrote that this book ‘indicated a convergence of New Age thinking with Nazi philosophy. Casting aside his pat concerns about the environment, Icke enthusiastically embraced the classic Nazi conspiracy theory, alleging that the world is controlled by a secret cadre of ‘The Elite.’ He openly endorsed The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Tsarist anti-Semitic forgery that informed Hitler’s notion of a global Jewish conspiracy.’

“The following year Icke brought out another book, ‘..and the truth shall set you free.’ This one, however, was self-published, as its content was so objectionable that his publisher refused to have it printed. And small wonder. The book repeated Icke’s previous claims that the Protocols were true, and went on to state: ‘I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the mass of Jewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the Second World War….They then dominated the Versailles Peace Conference and created the circumstances which made the Second World War inevitable. They financed Hitler to power in 1933 and made the funds available for his rearmament.’

“In this book, Icke went even further. He began to flirt explicitly with Holocaust denial, saying ‘why do we play a part in suppressing alternative information to the official line of the Second World War? How is it right that while this fierce suppression goes on, free copies of the Spielberg film, Schindler’s List, are given to schools to indoctrinate children with the unchallenged version of events. And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demand freedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vilified, and magazines to be closed down on the spot, for suggesting another version of history.’ He also denounced the Nuremberg Trials as ‘a farce’ and ‘a calculated exercise in revenge and manipulation.’ ”

There’s a great deal more to Public Eye’s carefully documented profile of Icke and his networks and book distributors, which are apparently successful in sucking into his orbit a goodly number of incautious New Agers and fans of his pseudo-leftist imprecations who bloody well ought to know better. And my own paper, the L.A. Weekly, has also exposed one corner of Icke’s feverish, brown-shirted brain–mad theories about 9/11.

I want to make it clear that I completely disassociate myself from Icke’s misappropriation of my work for his nefarious purposes, and want nothing to do with him or with his fans. I warn his disciples that you’re wasting your time if you continue to try to post comments on this blog that echo Icke’s obscene drivel–because I will remove them to the garbage bin as soon as they are received. Read the entire Public Eye profile of Icke by clicking here.

Posted by Doug Ireland at 03:25 AM | Permalink

Originally posted by clive
I too was interested in David Icke and had put some of his info on this forum. But now I’m not to sure about him. An ATS friend sent me some info which I’ll post here for you..

By Thomas Anderson.

To filter out true information through disinformation and junk is far from being an easy task. Every statement made by David Icke should be critically analyzed trying to find out what are his true references. He does not mention the worthy sources of this information while he does not forget to mention other books filled with inconsistencies and lies.

As for the Illuminati, I do not know accurately what it refers to. This reality of the Illuminati may be both true and false. It is true in the sense that there is an elite manipulating the world with its own hidden agenda within secret societies and secretive groups. The false part is the way they are depicted in most conspiracy books. The Illuminati conspiracy theories are mostly disinformation spread out by the agents of this very same elite.

Let me take an example. When Donald Rumsfeld chooses what is regarded as the Illuminati logotype for his new IAO agency, he uses the Illuminati symbolism in order to discard those who will criticize the purpose of this agency and its data-mining project. His idea they will put forward inconsistent arguments that spoon-feeders have spread out with Illuminati theories.…

In a sense, acting this way, Donald Rumsfeld is and regards himself as a member of the Illuminati. He manipulates the opinions. He acts as an “enlightened”, but in the same times uses the conspiracy lies as a cover-up. He knows that intellectuals do not believe in conspiracy theories, as they are developed in popular, manipulative disinformation books. If someone criticizes his project or the logotype, he will tax him a stupid paranoid believing in “conspiracy nuts” (reptilians). He does indeed. He makes fools of his detractors. Just read the arguments opposed to them at the Center for Security Policy (one of the organizations he belongs to). Also note the use of the flaming torch symbol referred to by Icke as the “brotherhood” symbol.…

It is of the highest cynicism. Illuminati (or the establishment) have themselves written the false stories talking about them. The very concept of Illuminati is intended to spread out disinformation. The concept in itself is not totally false because in a way these manipulative wealthy people belonging to the ruling overclass correspond to the definition given to the term Illuminati.

As for Icke’s reptilian stories, it is inspired from the belief of the old ruling aristocratic class of being of from a special blood, the old racist idea (Gobineau) that Nordics belong to a superior race. Note that he sometimes uses the term “reptilian” in association with the more orthodox “Aryan” one. This should remind you of something. I would tend to believe that Rumsfeld and Icke work for the same hidden agenda.


posted on 20-8-2006 @ 06:48 PM

I have a few issues myself with Mr. Icke He is a prolific writer and researcher. and he should get his credit for that. You MUST double check his facts when reading because he has a tendency for wholly false statements. I take him for what he’s worth. People interested in these things have learned more than they care to admit from him. That being said I think he isn’t functioning properly.

I do think his past that you mention does play a significant role. He describes his father as vehemently anti-religion , I think his research led him to a place that human greed or human quest for power wasn’t sufficient to explain certin motives, and his dogma wouldn’t permit him to declare it evil for the sake of evil, and it forced him to sacrifice his integrity through shady references and blatant lies to ‘prove’ his preconceived model. Now enter in his success and general cult worship status given to him by some. And he falls into the same old snare of pride and ego rendering another good man useless. I don’t think he was initially a tool for the system but. He could have been recruited without knowing it. As I am fond of saying, Sometimes telling truths can be part of the biggest lies.
there is the possibility of course that I am wrong on all counts